Sequential Monte Carlo

SMCUpdater - SMC-Based Particle Updater

Class Reference

class qinfer.SMCUpdater(model, n_particles, prior, resample_a=None, resampler=None, resample_thresh=0.5, debug_resampling=False, track_resampling_divergence=False, zero_weight_policy=u'error', zero_weight_thresh=None, canonicalize=True)[source]

Bases: qinfer.distributions.ParticleDistribution

Creates a new Sequential Monte carlo updater, using the algorithm of [GFWC12].

  • model (Model) – Model whose parameters are to be inferred.
  • n_particles (int) – The number of particles to be used in the particle approximation.
  • prior (Distribution) – A representation of the prior distribution.
  • resampler (callable) – Specifies the resampling algorithm to be used. See Resampling Algorithms for more details.
  • resample_thresh (float) – Specifies the threshold for \(N_{\text{ess}}\) to decide when to resample.
  • debug_resampling (bool) – If True, debug information will be generated on resampling performance, and will be written to the standard Python logger.
  • track_resampling_divergence (bool) – If true, then the divergences between the pre- and post-resampling distributions are tracked and recorded in the resampling_divergences attribute.
  • zero_weight_policy (str) – Specifies the action to be taken when the particle weights would all be set to zero by an update. One of ["ignore", "skip", "warn", "error", "reset"].
  • zero_weight_thresh (float) – Value to be used when testing for the zero-weight condition.
  • canonicalize (bool) – If True, particle locations will be updated to canonical locations as described by the model class after each prior sampling and resampling.

Returns the number of times that the updater has resampled the particle approximation.


True if and only if there has been no data added since the last resampling, or if there has not yet been a resampling step.


Returns the normalization record.


Returns the log-likelihood of all the data collected so far.

Equivalent to:


Returns the smallest effective sample size (ESS) observed in the history of this updater.

Returns:The minimum of observed effective sample sizes as reported by n_ess.

List of outcomes given to update().

Type:list of int

List of KL divergences between the pre- and post-resampling distributions, if that is being tracked. Otherwise, None.

Type:list of float or None
reset(n_particles=None, only_params=None, reset_weights=True)[source]

Causes all particle locations and weights to be drawn fresh from the initial prior.

  • n_particles (int) – Forces the size of the new particle set. If None, the size of the particle set is not changed.
  • only_params (slice) – Resets only some of the parameters. Cannot be set if n_particles is also given.
  • reset_weights (bool) – Resets the weights as well as the particles.
hypothetical_update(outcomes, expparams, return_likelihood=False, return_normalization=False)[source]

Produces the particle weights for the posterior of a hypothetical experiment.

  • outcomes (int or an ndarray of dtype int.) – Integer index of the outcome of the hypothetical experiment.
  • expparams (numpy.ndarray) – Experiments to be used for the hypothetical updates.
  • weights (ndarray, shape (n_outcomes, n_expparams, n_particles)) – Weights assigned to each particle in the posterior distribution \(\Pr(\omega | d)\).
update(outcome, expparams, check_for_resample=True)[source]

Given an experiment and an outcome of that experiment, updates the posterior distribution to reflect knowledge of that experiment.

After updating, resamples the posterior distribution if necessary.

  • outcome (int) – Label for the outcome that was observed, as defined by the Model instance under study.
  • expparams (ndarray of dtype given by the expparams_dtype property of the underlying model) – Parameters describing the experiment that was performed.
  • check_for_resample (bool) – If True, after performing the update, the effective sample size condition will be checked and a resampling step may be performed.
batch_update(outcomes, expparams, resample_interval=5)[source]

Updates based on a batch of outcomes and experiments, rather than just one.

  • outcomes (numpy.ndarray) – An array of outcomes of the experiments that were performed.
  • expparams (numpy.ndarray) – Either a scalar or record single-index array of experiments that were performed.
  • resample_interval (int) – Controls how often to check whether \(N_{\text{ess}}\) falls below the resample threshold.

Forces the updater to perform a resampling step immediately.


Calculates the Bayes risk for hypothetical experiments, assuming the quadratic loss function defined by the current model’s scale matrix (see qinfer.abstract_model.Simulatable.Q).

Parameters:expparams (ndarray of dtype given by the current model’s expparams_dtype property, and of shape (1,)) – The experiments at which to compute the risk.
Return np.ndarray:
 The Bayes risk for the current posterior distribution at each hypothetical experiment in expparams, therefore has shape (expparams.size,)

Calculates the expected information gain for each hypothetical experiment.

Parameters:expparams (ndarray of dtype given by the current model’s expparams_dtype property, and of shape (n,)) – The experiments at which to compute expected information gain.
Return float:The expected information gain for each hypothetical experiment in expparams.
posterior_marginal(idx_param=0, res=100, smoothing=0, range_min=None, range_max=None)[source]

Returns an estimate of the marginal distribution of a given model parameter, based on taking the derivative of the interpolated cdf.

  • idx_param (int) – Index of parameter to be marginalized.
  • res1 (int) – Resolution of of the axis.
  • smoothing (float) – Standard deviation of the Gaussian kernel used to smooth; same units as parameter.
  • range_min (float) – Minimum range of the output axis.
  • range_max (float) – Maximum range of the output axis.
plot_posterior_marginal(idx_param=0, res=100, smoothing=0, range_min=None, range_max=None, label_xaxis=True, other_plot_args={}, true_model=None)[source]

Plots a marginal of the requested parameter.

  • idx_param (int) – Index of parameter to be marginalized.
  • res1 (int) – Resolution of of the axis.
  • smoothing (float) – Standard deviation of the Gaussian kernel used to smooth; same units as parameter.
  • range_min (float) – Minimum range of the output axis.
  • range_max (float) – Maximum range of the output axis.
  • label_xaxis (bool) – Labels the \(x\)-axis with the model parameter name given by this updater’s model.
  • other_plot_args (dict) – Keyword arguments to be passed to matplotlib’s plot function.
  • true_model (np.ndarray) – Plots a given model parameter vector as the “true” model for comparison.
plot_covariance(corr=False, param_slice=None, tick_labels=None, tick_params=None)[source]

Plots the covariance matrix of the posterior as a Hinton diagram.


This function requires that mpltools is installed.

  • corr (bool) – If True, the covariance matrix is first normalized by the outer product of the square root diagonal of the covariance matrix such that the correlation matrix is plotted instead.
  • param_slice (slice) – Slice of the modelparameters to be plotted.
  • tick_labels (list) – List of tick labels for each component; by default, these are drawn from the model itself.
posterior_mesh(idx_param1=0, idx_param2=1, res1=100, res2=100, smoothing=0.01)[source]

Returns a mesh, useful for plotting, of kernel density estimation of a 2D projection of the current posterior distribution.

  • idx_param1 (int) – Parameter to be treated as \(x\) when plotting.
  • idx_param2 (int) – Parameter to be treated as \(y\) when plotting.
  • res1 (int) – Resolution along the \(x\) direction.
  • res2 (int) – Resolution along the \(y\) direction.
  • smoothing (float) – Standard deviation of the Gaussian kernel used to smooth the particle approximation to the current posterior.
plot_posterior_contour(idx_param1=0, idx_param2=1, res1=100, res2=100, smoothing=0.01)[source]

Plots a contour of the kernel density estimation of a 2D projection of the current posterior distribution.

  • idx_param1 (int) – Parameter to be treated as \(x\) when plotting.
  • idx_param2 (int) – Parameter to be treated as \(y\) when plotting.
  • res1 (int) – Resolution along the \(x\) direction.
  • res2 (int) – Resolution along the \(y\) direction.
  • smoothing (float) – Standard deviation of the Gaussian kernel used to smooth the particle approximation to the current posterior.